Developing the future: How to become a JavaScript developer

Looking for a career that will be as future-proof as possible? Find out how to become a JavaScript developer.

A company of any size and in any field needs JavaScript specialists, at the very least, to maintain its presence on the Internet. Web development in general is growing and developing very rapidly. Moreover a lot of companies are looking to expand their JavaScript development capabilities and consider leveraging an offshore dedicated JavaScript development team. And after all, it is the JavaScript specialist who provides the appearance and usability of the Internet resource.

Who is a JavaScript developer, how do you become one, and what professional skills and personal qualities should you have? These and JavaScript developer salary tips you will learn in this article from Alcor.

What is a JavaScript developer?

A JavaScript developer is a person who makes using the site more convenient and easier. It is a versatile specialist whose credentials lie in working with the external part of the product as well as with its server component.

It is no wonder that it is with learning JavaScript that beginners prefer to start because with the help of this language today is carried out the point work, which is so highly valued.

What does a programmer in JavaScript do?

Many people still think that the entire toolkit JS-developer is limited to. But you have to understand that the emergence of new and improved software platforms has long pushed that time aside. Now, for anyone who knows JS, there are three ways to develop it.

1) Frontend

“Frontenders” deal only with the external side of the site or application. give dynamism to the product with various animations and transitions, as well as pop-ups. They are responsible for the basic functionality, which, as you can guess, does not require a serious knowledge of other markup languages and programming.  – These are not three, but two pillars on which frontend-development stands. Mastering them will not take much time or effort.

Using HTML and CSS to create the external appearance of the page you will need to resort to libraries to manage the DOM (programmatic interface). And here you are faced with a choice – jQuery or. The first library is much more popular and easier, but with React you will be able to make more detailed work. In the experience of experts, in all cases, it is better if you have both in your arsenal.

2) Backend

During this development stage, you are already creating the internal functionality of the site or application: system reactions to user actions, form processing, and so on. At the initial stage, you will not need any training, but gradually the need to know other languages (, Ruby) will grow.

Of course, it is almost impossible to imagine without the knowledge of the software platform. Generally speaking, it was its emergence that allowed JS developers to stop being just “front enders”, and in fact, 10 years ago it simply could not be imagined.

Using Node.js just means knowing how to export and import files, break code into modules, and so on – it’s just an environment where you execute JS code without having to learn new syntax.

3) Fullstack

Once you master front- and back-end development, you become a truly versatile JavaScript developer whose work is highly regarded in the market.

As a full stack programmer, you should have at least an intermediate level of HTML and CSS skills, and a basic understanding of other languages as well. Considering the diverse skill set required for full-stack development, it’s beneficial to hire a capable full-stack developer who can proficiently handle HTML, CSS, and a range of other programming languages to ensure the success of your projects.

What should a JavaScript developer know and be able to do?

Hire java developer because It doesn’t matter how great a talent you have. Without knowing JavaScript itself, you can’t start developing in JavaScript – or any other web development.

However, to start working in this area there is no need to graduate with a Bachelor’s degree, go to a Master’s degree, and then write a doctoral dissertation – this programming language can be learned even from home (how and where I’ll tell a little later).

So, we got the first and the most important point. In addition, the JavaScript developer must have the following knowledge:

  • Frontend frameworks
  • Bootstrap 4
  • HTML and CSS
  • NodeJS and backend frameworks
  • TypeScript
  • API
  • SQL basics
  • testing your code for bugs
  • Internet security

This list may look impressive or even intimidating, but it is not. All of the above skills, sooner or later, will be useful to you on the path of web development.

What personal qualities should a JavaScript developer have?

JavaScript’s developers are no exception. Like many other modern professions, they spend a lot of time at the computer. Alcor highlights, that JS developers must be:

  • Assiduous and very patient
  • Very pedantic in many ways
  • Able to concentrate their attention
  • Willing to painstakingly work, looking for bugs in the code

Among other things, developers in JavaScript should not neglect literacy, because business correspondence with customers and fellow developers will have to conduct quite often.

Also, it is impossible to forget about the ability to intelligently distribute and delegate responsibilities. The skill of clear planning of their work time will also not be superfluous.

Where do programmers work?

There is mainly interest in JS specialists in companies associated with the development of websites, mobile, and custom web applications. And there are also many progressive projects in the E-commerce sector.

Three paths open to newcomers

  1. Build up your portfolio: create sites yourself or take freelance orders through friends and acquaintances. The practice will be a good help in finding employment.
  2. Work for some time “layout” and after learning JavaScript and working with popular frameworks, you will easily find clients.
  3. Become a front-end developer in an existing company, which is more difficult.

Perspectives for developers on JavaScript

If we talk about the personal perspectives of every programmer, we can list the essential milestones in development: jun – middle – senors – team leader – IT company founder.

Discussing the prospects for the development of the entire field, we can say about the high growth of its popularity. Despite the development of alternative technology WebAssembly, which over the years could displace JavaScript from the sphere of providing interactivity of sites, the latter has other points of growth.

For example, at the moment there is a growing trend in the popularity of Progressive Web Applications (PWAs), which are being actively promoted by Google and for the development of which JavaScript is needed. They stand at the intersection of websites and mobile applications and may soon occupy the niche of native applications. This will only make the JavaScript development profession more popular.