Cross-platform app development for marketing

In an ever evolving business world, brands are always on the lookout for creative ways to connect with their customers and make their mark in the market.

With so many people using mobile phones nowadays, it’s become crucial for businesses to find ways to connect to their audience. 

One smart way they’re doing this is by creating mobile apps that allow users to easily interact with their services wherever they are.

However, the diversity of platforms and devices presents a challenge for businesses seeking to reach a wider audience. That’s where cross-platform app development steps in like a superhero, solving this problem and making sure the app works well on different devices. It’s like getting the best of both worlds – making the app work great while also reaching more people.

In this article, we’ll explore the concept of cross-platform app development for marketing, its benefits, and challenges. We’ll talk about how it can help businesses, what challenges might pop up, and we’ll even look at some real examples to help explain things better.

Understanding cross-platform app development

Check your app store, and there are tons of applications being built on a daily basis. The mere reason is the idea of providing exclusive services to the consumers as conveniently possible. 

Cross-platform app development has emerged as a strategic approach for building these mobile applications that can run seamlessly on multiple operating systems and devices without the complexity and costs associated with developing separate native apps for each platform. 

The approach streamlines the process by allowing developers to write a single codebase that can be deployed across various platforms, such as iOS, Android, and even web browsers. This approach offers numerous advantages, as well as some considerations that need to be taken into account that we will be discussing ahead. 

Well-known cross-platform development frameworks

First let’s look at some of the well-known cross-platform development frameworks in the market.

React Native

Developed by Facebook, React Native enables developers to build mobile apps using JavaScript and React. It has been widely adopted and is used by many well-known brands. Airbnb’s mobile app is a classic example that uses React Native.

Facebook, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons


Created by Google, Flutter allows developers to create native interfaces for iOS and Android using a single codebase written in Dart. It has gained traction for its fast performance and customizable widgets. Walmart’s app, built using Flutter, offers a unified shopping experience across different devices and platforms.

Flutter logo

Xamarin: Owned by Microsoft, Xamarin uses C# and .NET to create cross-platform apps. It provides native performance and access to platform-specific APIs. Untappd, a social networking app for beer enthusiasts, leveraged Xamarin to create a seamless experience for its users on various platforms.

Xamarin logo


Built on top of Angular, Ionic provides a framework for creating hybrid mobile apps using web technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It’s known for its simplicity and speed.

Ionic, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

PhoneGap / Apache Cordova

These frameworks allow developers to create apps using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, which are then packaged as native apps using web views.


While primarily a game development engine, Unity is used to create cross-platform mobile games and interactive experiences.

Appcelerator Titanium

This framework uses JavaScript to create cross-platform apps, leveraging native APIs for each platform.


Originally a C++ framework, Qt has expanded to include mobile app development, allowing developers to create cross-platform apps using C++ or QML.

The benefits of cross-platform app development for marketing

Adopting app development through multiple platforms can be a great way to improve your marketing efforts as it will help you reach a wider audience when combined with other marketing techniques. 


Developing native apps for different platforms requires investing in separate development teams, tools, and resources. However, this approach to app development minimizes these costs by centralizing the development process for marketing ROAS, thereby reducing duplication of effort, and utilizing shared code components.

Time savings

Time is a critical factor in the competitive world of marketing. Cross-platform frameworks can make it easier for developers to be productive, as they do not need to learn multiple programming languages and frameworks. This faster development cycle allows businesses to launch their apps sooner and capitalize on market trends.  By using a cross-platform framework, developers can reuse code across multiple platforms, which can significantly reduce the time and cost of development.

Wider audience reach

With a single codebase that can run on various platforms, businesses can tap into a larger audience base. This not only expands market reach but also provides the opportunity to gather more user data and insights.

These apps inherently address the wide variety of devices available within each platform. From budget smartphones to high-end tablets, cross-platform apps can be optimized to perform well on various devices, guaranteeing a consistent user experience regardless of the hardware.

Consistent user experience

An app is an extension of a brand’s identity. A consistent experience reinforces brand values and aesthetics, fostering a strong brand presence and recognition among users.

Maintaining a consistent user experience is essential for building brand loyalty and user trust. Cross-platform frameworks often provide tools to create uniform user interfaces and functionalities across different platforms, ensuring a cohesive experience.

Easier updates and maintenance

Updating and maintaining apps can be a labor-intensive process, especially when dealing with multiple codebases. Cross-platform development simplifies this by enabling developers to implement changes across all platforms simultaneously, reducing maintenance effort and ensuring consistent updates.

Challenges and considerations

This framework offers a promising avenue for creating versatile apps that reach wider audiences. However, like any approach, it comes with its own set of considerations and challenges.

Before embarking on a cross-platform framework journey, understanding these factors is crucial for a successful outcome:

  1. Performance: These apps may not always match the performance of natively developed apps due to platform-specific optimizations.
  2. User interface: Creating a consistent UI across platforms requires striking a balance between adhering to each platform’s design guidelines and maintaining a unified design language. Maintaining a consistent user interface across different platforms can be challenging, as design guidelines and user expectations differ. 
  3. Feature limitations: Some advanced features may not be fully supported by cross-platform tools or may require custom implementations for each platform.
  4. Third-party integrations: Integrating third-party services and libraries may require additional effort to ensure compatibility.
  5. App complexity: The complexity of the app’s functionalities plays a significant role in choosing a cross-platform approach. Simple apps with basic features might adapt well to cross-platform tools, while complex apps with intricate interactions might require more customized native development.
  6. Debugging and testing: Debugging across multiple platforms can be intricate. Ensuring that the app functions correctly on various devices and operating systems demands thorough testing.
  7. Maintaining compatibility: As platform updates and new devices emerge, maintaining compatibility can become challenging. Frameworks must be updated to support the latest features and optimizations.
  8. Vendor lock-In: Using a specific cross-platform tool might lead to vendor lock-in, making it harder to switch frameworks or adapt to future technological changes.

Mitigating challenges

Here are some of the mitigating challenges:

  • Platform-specific code: Some frameworks allow developers to incorporate platform-specific code when necessary. This can address feature gaps and performance issues.
  • Performance profiling: Regular performance profiling and optimization are vital to ensure that the app meets acceptable performance standards.
  • Continuous learning: The fast-paced nature of technology demands that developers stay updated on the latest developments and optimizations in cross-platform frameworks.

Cross-platform app development presents a valuable strategy for reaching diverse audiences efficiently. However, the decision to pursue this approach should be based on a thorough understanding of considerations and potential challenges and the ability to handle such challenges as per the business requirements. 

Cross-platform app development is a compelling solution

Cross-platform app development for marketing presents a compelling solution for businesses looking to maximize their outreach and efficiency. While challenges exist, the benefits far outweigh the drawbacks, especially when executed with careful consideration of platform differences and user expectations. 

As technology continues to evolve, cross-platform development frameworks will likely become even more sophisticated, enabling businesses to create exceptional apps that cater to a diverse and ever-growing user base.