Building decentralized applications with AngularJS, Blockchain, and RoR

Looking for the best technologies for building decentralized applications? This article reviews the advantages of AngularJS, Blockchain, and Ruby on Rails for dApp development.

The decentralized nature of blockchain technology is appealing to many businesses. By leveraging it, enterprises can create applications with an array of features that weren’t possible with traditional technologies.

As business demands are growing, developers need to find ways to make blockchain-based applications both accessible and easy to use. To make it happen, programmers are turning to popular technologies like AngularJS, Blockchain, and Ruby on Rails.

In this article, we’ll explore the advantages of using these technologies for building decentralized applications. We’ll look at their different features as well as their combined ability to create powerful and secure decentralized solutions.

What are decentralized applications (dApps)?

A decentralized application (dApp) is an open-source application that runs autonomously on a distributed ledger, such as the blockchain.

As dApps aren’t controlled by any single entity or person, there’s no risk of centralization or censorship. dApps also utilize a peer-to-peer network, allowing users to interact with each other directly.

What is special about dApps?

dApps have several distinct features that make them different from traditional applications.

Decentralized and distributed

dApps can run on a network of computers instead of one central server. Decentralization eliminates the need for a third-party intermediary or an authority to control the system, making it more secure and reliable.

Open-source and transparent

With dApps, the entire code is publicly accessible, and there’s no need for a central authority or intermediary to approve changes. This feature makes it easier for developers to customize their applications according to user feedback or market demands.

Highly secure

Decentralized apps offer ultimate security. The use of cryptographic algorithms ensures that data stored in the blockchain is safe from external tampering and corruption.


Finally, decentralized applications can self-execute actions without any human intervention. Since they don’t need to wait for a central authority to approve changes or updates, they can be much more efficient than traditional applications.

dApp use cases

Now that we’ve discussed the basics of dApps, let’s look at their most common use cases.


Decentralized services are gaining traction in the financial industry. dApps provide a secure and efficient way to transfer money without the need for a trusted third-party intermediary. These applications can be used for peer-to-peer payment services, digital wallets, insurance contracts, and crowdfunding platforms.


Blockchain technology offers a wide range of opportunities for game developers. It can be used for in-game asset trading, game monetization, and even creating decentralized gaming platforms. In decentralized games, players can compete against each other without the need for a central server.


Decentralized applications have, among all else, revolutionized the entertainment industry by providing users with more secure and private ways to access digital content. Dapp solutions in the entertainment industry include streaming platforms, media-sharing services, music stores, and much more.

Social media

The decentralized nature of blockchain makes it an ideal platform for social networks. With decentralized applications, users can communicate and share content without relying on central authorities or intermediaries. 

Best technologies for decentralized application development

Wondering what are the best technologies for building decentralized applications? While there is a range of decent options out there, the three most popular ones are AngularJS, Blockchain, and Ruby on Rails. Let’s identify the advantages of each one.


AngularJS is a front-end JavaScript framework used to develop user interfaces (UIs) and single-page applications (SPAs). This framework is great for making decentralized applications. Its features such as templating, data binding, and routing make it easy for developers to create dynamic and interactive user interfaces.

AngularJS also enables you to build apps quickly because all the tools you need are in one place. If you want to leverage AngularJS for your dApps, consider hiring reliable providers such as to make the most of it.


Blockchain technology has become the go-to platform for building decentralized applications. It’s a distributed ledger system storing data in blocks that are cryptographically linked together and immutable.

Since Blockchain eliminates the need for a central authority or third-party intermediary to control the system, it is an ideal solution for dApps. Fortunately, there are trustworthy Blockchain development companies such as out there.

Ruby on Rails

Ruby on Rails (RoR) is an open-source web development framework that’s used to build powerful, scalable applications. It has a growing community of developers and a wealth of libraries and tools that make it easy to create complex websites.

Known for being easy to learn and use, it’s a great choice for developers who are new to decentralized application development. Plus, it has features such as automated testing and database migrations that make it easy to maintain dApps. If you opt for Ruby on Rails, check out software development providers such as for guaranteed success.

AngularJS, Blockchain, and Ruby on Rails summarized

To sum it up, here are the main advantages of each technology for dApp development:

  • AngularJS — Quick development time, easy to create interactive UIs, templating, data binding, and routing tools
  • Blockchain — No need for a central authority or third-party intermediary, high level of security and privacy, and immutable data blocks
  • Ruby on Rails — Easy to learn and use, automated testing and database migrations features, and tools for complex web applications

AngularJS vs Blockchain vs Ruby on Rails: Which one to choose?

When it comes to choosing the best technology for your decentralized application, there is no one-size-fits-all answer. Depending on the type of dApp you are trying to build and the features you need, one or more of the mentioned technologies may be a good fit.

Often, developers use the combination of AngularJS, Blockchain, and Ruby on Rails to create powerful dApps that offer better performance, reliability, and security. 

Building decentralized applications can open up a world of opportunities

As decentralized applications are becoming increasingly popular, new tools and technologies for dApp development appear. AngularJS, blockchain, and Ruby on Rails are some of the most popular options today.

No matter which technology you choose, building decentralized applications can open up a world of opportunities for your business. With the right tech stack, you can develop dApps that are secure, reliable, and easy to maintain.