As time goes on, can your personality type change?

You’ve probably taken a personality test at some point in your life. Maybe during a team-building exercise at work or just for fun online. Or perhaps you’ve used these tests to improve your recruitment process?

You can take a look at the 16 Personalities Test at a glance to get an understanding of some of the best personality tests for businesses if you’re not too familiar. But have you ever wondered if these results might differ if you took the test years later?

Let’s dive into the fascinating world of personality and its ever-evolving nature, especially from a career perspective.

The ever-changing tide of personality

First things first: is your personality set in stone? Not quite.

While our core values and beliefs might remain consistent, various facets of our personality can change over time. It’s a bit like your favorite pair of jeans. Sure, they fit you perfectly at one time, but as the years go by, they might become tighter or looser, depending on life’s circumstances.

Factors that influence personality shifts

Here are three of the biggest factors that can influence shifts in our personality:

  • Life experiences: Be it a life-changing trip abroad or the challenges of parenthood, experiences shape our perspectives and, by extension, our personality.
  • Career changes: Switching jobs or industries often means adapting to new environments, which can refine certain traits.
  • Relationship dynamics: Our interactions with loved ones, friends, and colleagues play a significant role in our personal growth.

The career angle: When personality meets profession

Now, how does this all play out in the workspace? Here’s the thing: as you grow in your career, you’ll find yourself adapting to various roles and responsibilities. And guess what? These professional shifts often mirror shifts in personality.

Here are two examples:

  1. From individual contributor to manager: Initially, you might be detail-oriented, focusing on the nitty-gritty of tasks. But as you move to a managerial role, you might develop a more big-picture view, becoming more intuitive and people-focused.
  2. Transitioning industries: Maybe you were in a highly structured corporate role and moved to a creative startup. Such a shift can make you more adaptable and open to new ideas.

The role of age in personality evolution

Before we wrap things up, let’s tackle an aspect we’ve all thought about but haven’t deeply delved into – the role of age in our personality shifts.

As we journey from our youthful days into more mature years, our experiences accumulate, impacting our views, decisions, and, yes, our personalities. While our younger selves might be risk-takers, eager to leap before looking, age often brings with it a wisdom that adds caution to our steps.

Consider these age-influenced personality shifts:

  • From impulsive to thoughtful: In our 20s, a job might be about excitement and novelty. Come 40s, and it might be more about stability and long-term growth.
  • Growing emotional intelligence: As years pass, many individuals develop a better sense of empathy and understanding, invaluable traits in team dynamics.

Incorporating this understanding into career choices can be a game-changer. After all, aligning your profession with your age-influenced personality can make work more fulfilling and less of a daily grind.

Why use personality tests in the workplace?

Given that personalities evolve, why do employers even bother with personality tests? Here’s why:

  • Better team dynamics: Understanding team members’ personalities can facilitate more effective communication and collaboration.
  • Role suitability: It helps employers identify who might be best suited for specific roles or responsibilities.
  • Personal development: For employees, understanding one’s personality type can be the key to unlocking personal and professional growth avenues.

So, should you retake that test?

Absolutely! In fact, consider doing so every few years, especially if you sense changes in your attitudes or behaviors. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

  • Step 1: Find a reputable personality test. There are several out there, so go for one that’s widely recognized in professional circles.
  • Step 2: Answer honestly. Don’t think about your past results; just focus on the present.
  • Step 3: Compare. Look at your previous results and see what’s changed. Reflect on what might have influenced any shifts.
  • Step 4: Use the insights. Understand your current strengths and areas of growth. Discuss them with your manager or mentor to explore opportunities aligned with your evolving personality.

Our personality changes over time

Our personalities are not static; they evolve over time influenced by life events, career shifts, and relationships.

In the professional realm, understanding your changing personality can be immensely beneficial for personal development and team dynamics.

Periodically retaking personality tests can offer fresh insights into your evolving self, providing a clearer roadmap for your career journey.

Remember, change is the only constant. Embrace it, and let your ever-changing personality be your guide to achieving your career aspirations!