An introvert’s guide to office Christmas parties

As we hit December, office Christmas parties are in full swing. And while some people can’t wait to don their tackiest Christmas jumper, tuck into turkey and toast the festive season with their colleagues, others dread being forced out of their comfort zone.

Introverts, in particular, can find the annual office Christmas party particularly painful. Maybe they feel uncomfortable making small talk with their colleagues or managers. Dislike being made to wear fancy dress or join in dancing and games. Or perhaps they’d just rather spend the evening with friends, or home alone.

If the imminent arrival of your office Christmas party is bringing you out in a sweat, we’ve got some tips that will help you. Find out how to prepare for (or even get out of!) you work do, and discover strategies to help make it bearable and even, who knows, even enjoyable?

Just make sure you steer clear of the mistletoe!

Original source for infographic

Photo by Kelsey Chance