What to expect from cataract surgery and keratoconus treatment
Do you have problems with your vision? Find out what to expect from cataract surgery and keratoconus treatment.
While some issues with your vision may be due to genetics, they can also be caused by other factors, such as injuries or spending too much time in front of a screen. Modern medicine offers all kinds of solutions to vision issues. In this article we’ll look at cataract surgery and keratoconus treatment.
What are cataracts?
Before we get into the discussion of cataract surgery, it is important to define what a cataract is. Cataracts cause painless and progressive loss of vision, and they require immediate attention because if they are left untreated, they can lead to complete blindness in the eye they are located in.
Cataracts have various causes, but the most common ones include aging, trauma, medication, prolonged exposure to ultraviolet light, and diabetes. The way they develop is in the form of clouding over the eye’s natural lens, and while they start as blurred vision, once they become big enough, eventually, as we mentioned earlier, they can lead to blindness.
What are the symptoms of cataracts?
The symptoms of cataracts are very easy to notice. they usually manifest as blurred vision, poor vision in bright light, double vision, seeing halos around lights, altered color perception, poor vision at night or while driving, and frequent changes in the lens prescription.
Now that we covered what cataracts are and how you can identify them so you can go to the doctor for consultations, we can talk about the benefits of cataract surgery.
What are the benefits of cataract surgery?
The biggest benefit of cataract surgery is that by removing the cataract, it will not progress to the point where you become completely blind in the eye it is located in.
Other than that, you will be able to return to your day-to-day activities without experiencing any blurry vision, you will be able to drive, read, participate in sports activities, and you will be able to work better. If you are concerned about the cataract surgery cost in Sydney, because the procedure has been mastered and is relatively common, it is quite affordable.
How is cataract surgery performed in Sydney?
Just like any other surgical procedure, the first thing you will have to do is schedule an appointment with a surgeon who will examine the eye. While they might be able to diagnose a cataract without this, it is important to eliminate the possibilities of any other eye conditions, so be prepared for a few diagnostic tests.
Once the surgeon is sure that you have cataracts, they will consult with you about the procedure. The procedure is minimally invasive, as it involves numbing the eyes with anesthesia, which sounds uncomfortable, but in reality, you will probably barely notice it.
Then, a tiny incision is made, allowing the surgeon to break up, remove the cloudy lens, and replace it with a new artificial one. The procedure usually takes only a couple of minutes and is completely painless. However, like any surgical procedure, it does involve some risks, such as droopy eyelids, infection, bleeding inside the eye, and a few others that you should discuss with your surgeon.
Keratoconus treatment
Another common eye disorder that causes the normally round cornea to bulge is called keratoconus. Because of the bulge that is cone-shaped, the light is distorted when entering the eye, and this causes blurry vision, especially at night when a lot of artificial light is involved. While this condition does not lead to blindness, it is still advised to get keratoconus treatment.
How will keratoconus treatment change your life?
The biggest benefit of keratoconus treatment is that the blurriness you are experiencing due to the cornea being misshapen will completely go away.
There are different ways for this condition to be treated, and the most common way to do it is to get a special type of lens which will allow the light to bend correctly when it this your eye so that the effects of a misshaped cornea are reversed.
Of course, there are other treatments, which are surgical, such as collagen cross-linking, implantable collamer lens insertion, and partial or full transplantation. Depending on your condition’s severity, a different treatment will be needed, which is why it is best to consult with a professional.
Living life with impaired vision is tough
Living life with impaired vision can be quite difficult, as you are going to have a disadvantage in almost everything you do.
If you notice that you are experiencing some kind of blurry vision, do not hesitate to visit your doctor. While it is mostly nothing serious, as your lenses are just succumbing to aging, sometimes the condition can be as serious as cataracts, and they should be treated as soon as possible.