Three retirement investments to secure your future

Want to ensure you have enough put by for your retirement? Here are three investments that can help secure your future.

Saving for retirement can be a complicated process, and one that lasts a lifetime, too. Thinking about how much you’ll need to have in your pocket for a couple of decades can be a tricky calculation and seem like a distant or vague proposition. 

To make use of the money you’re saving before you retire, it takes a lot of time to truly begin comprehending the complexity and depth of the options available before you. Retirement planning can encompass a broad range of investment vehicles that are specifically tailored to saving for your golden years, and it can be hard to choose the best one for you. 

Fortunately, after doing your own research and using online resources, such as, you’ll be more prepared to make the right choices that’ll lead you in the proper direction. Thus, with this set of knowledge on hand, you’ll rest assured that you’re going to be financially stable during your retirement years.

Retirement investment options to secure your future

Retirement saving differs from regular savings because it’s not just for the inevitable rainy day, but it’s for the rainy years. Not in the sense that your retirement ages will be bleak, but the undeniable fact that there will be multiple years of lesser income than your working years, which applies to most people. 

Because of this, saving for retirement requires a significant amount of capital invested to generate the necessary liquid amount you’ll need available to live on for a few decades, assuming you don’t have any type of stipend or residual pay coming from previous employment.

To prepare for this, you’ll need to pick some sound investments that can contribute to your financial future, such as the following:

Investing in your income

This may sound a bit unorthodox since it’s not your traditional investment vehicle, but it might be the most important one of them all. Having a large sum of cash sitting around at your disposal for your retirement is great, but what if a significant expense comes up? What if the dollar is significantly devalued? After all, it will only shrink in value over time as you spend it. 

On the contrary, by investing in an income source that continues to pay you through retirement, you mitigate this issue by ensuring that you’ve got revenue streams flowing in even if you don’t happen to need them on top of your nest egg.

Not only this, but it provides a great source of income to put into alternative investments, trusts, gifts, donations, and even inheritances and college expenses for your heirs. Having a quality income in retirement provides a lot of extra flexibility, which may come from many sources. 

One of the most popular is to build up a real estate portfolio as a landlord and collect rent every month. With the advent of the internet, there are many ways you could make money online, too.

If you’re an expert in something, create a course and sell it. If you enjoy investing, allocate some funds to dividend and high-return average index funds that can generate significant increases annually if the funding is substantial enough. 

IRA or Roth IRA and sound investments within them

IRAs (Individual Retirement Accounts) and Roth IRAs are tax-advantaged investment accounts that have been specifically designated by congress and the IRS as retirement accounts. Because of this, the money invested into them and their underlying asset holdings are treated differently during tax season, with each having polar opposite advantages. 

The traditional IRA is offered as an investment account that allows you to deduct your contributions from your annual income, thus reducing the amount you must pay in taxes during that year. However, there’s a limit to this. 

In 2020, that limit was $6,000 and $7,000 if you’re 50 or older. The upside is you reduce your taxes now, but you’ll pay them in whatever your current income bracket is upon the time of withdrawal. This is why the traditional IRA is suitable for those who expect their income will be lower at the time of withdrawal since it’ll give them a lesser tax bill. 

Roth, on the other hand, is the opposite of this. Contributions are not deductible, and you won’t need to pay taxes on them at the time of withdrawal, making it ideal for those who pay little to no taxes now or just expect to be earning more when they withdraw their earnings. 

Both of these accounts can present a safe haven for your money to grow within various investment vehicles for decades to come. With the options ranging from the index and mutual funds to individual stocks, bonds, and even gold. 

Real estate

Much like how the stock market seems to perpetually rise regardless of the ups and downs, recessions, or depressions it endures, real estate seems to do much of the same.

This is partially due to inflation. But, overall, the relative value of homes concerning the dollar tends to perpetually grow over time. This means that the dollar will consistently buy less home over time, from a macro perspective. 

This is bad for buyers but great for investors, and even better for retirement investors who buy and hold long-term. However, this is obviously subjective to your local market since a home’s value depending on countless variables. Making a high-quality investment in real estate involves some research, intuition, and projects, all of which is very achievable for the shrewd retirement investor

If done correctly, real estate can provide exponential growth on your investment. Not to mention the potential for rental income. So, not only is it a storer of value that increases over time but an income-generating machine, too. 

Combine the right investments 

Not everyone will be able to invest in all of the best options available, which is why it’s essential to take your time, do your own research, and pick the investments that are best suited for your unique financial situation. There are still many alternatives and plenty of sound investments that can help secure your future and retirement. You just have to find them.