The physical and mental benefits of decluttering (and decluttering tips)

Lover a healthier, tidier hime? Discover the physical and mental benefits of decluttering, plus decluttering tips.

Clutter refers to the overabundance of things that lead to disorderly living spaces. A Journal of Environment Psychology research claims that clutter has a negative impact on subjective well-being and psychological home.

According to the same study, clutter is caused by the individuals’ “attachment and self-extension tendencies toward possessions.” In layman’s terms, hoarding causes clutter, which, in turn, impacts your mental health. This is why regular decluttering is crucial for healthier well-being. Here are the physical and mental benefits of decluttering and tips on how to live in a clutter-free home.

Six physical and mental benefits of decluttering

Here are six decluttering benefits for your physical and mental health.

1) It keeps you focused

If you have too much stuff lying around your home, finding the things you need can be tricky. Clutter also distracts you from work or relaxation, especially if your eyes keep looking at the mess. Visual clutter can hinder your continuous progress on daily work and tasks. Decluttering means a clean and organized home environment, improving your focus at home.

2) It increases productivity

Increased productivity is correlated to better focus at home. You gain visual accomplishment when surrounded by an organized home environment or home office. And this boosts productivity because there is nothing like a clean and conducive work environment.

3) It boosts your mood

They say movement creates movement. When you see clutter, the first thing people do is clean it up, even though laziness sometimes tells them not to. Pushing yourself to move and tidy up your home energizes you. And the next thing you know, you’re cleaning the entire space! This helps release happy hormones called endorphins, which can instantly boost your mood. 

4) It relieves anxiety

When your space is unorganized, you feel much stress and worry about why things aren’t in order. Looking for things will also lead to stress as you go through piles of clothes or items. When you hoard more items, you get more and more accumulated clutter. And you won’t find peace knowing you have more things than you need. Decluttering can make you feel less anxious, especially looking at a cleaner and tidier space. 

5) It improves physical health

A welcoming space means a clean and organized environment that lets you do the things you love without distractions. For instance, if clothes and items are strewn across your home workout area, you won’t feel motivated to move. Also, if it takes awhile to find your workout shoes or gym clothes, this doesn’t energize you to exercise. Moreover, a well-kempt kitchen also encourages you to cook hearty and healthy meals. 

6) It increases energy to do other things

If your home is spic-and-span all the time, it only means you no longer have to spend so much effort cleaning. Regular cleaning is already a time-consuming chore. How much more cleaning up after things you’re not even emotionally attached to? This habit only drains your mental and physical energy, which might hinder your capacity to do the things you love.

Seven tips for decluttering your home

Now that you know the physical and mental benefits of decluttering, it’s time to turn your life around. Make your home a comfortable and healthy haven you want to come home to. It can be hard to maintain a decluttering routine, but practicing small habits can lead to permanent healthy activities.

Here are seven simple tips on how to declutter your home:

  1. Start with a few minutes per day of decluttering. You can start decluttering for five minutes on the first day and gradually increase to a few minutes or even up to an hour. 
  2. Make way for new items. Hoarding is a real disorder, and some people accumulate items they don’t need. If you’re working on this, you can try and make way for new items. Try to donate or sell an item or a few items daily for a start.
  3. Invite friends over. This might sound counterintuitive, as more people could mean more clutter. However, you can leverage inviting friends over regularly by cleaning up a bit before they arrive. Schedule a decluttering day before your intimate gathering. 
  4. Segregate your stuff. Grab a few boxes and label them for things to throw away, keep, donate, or relocate. Try to gather items and check the boxes after a few weeks or months and take action. 
  5. Donate clothes you don’t wear anymore. You’d be surprised how much clothes take up so much space in all types of dressers in your bedroom. Going through it now and then and taking out clothes to donate will make you feel good. Not only are you freeing up more space in your bedroom, but you’re also making others happy. 
  6. Record your progress. Maintaining a decluttering routine needs constant motivation to last a long time. And one of the ways you can encourage yourself is to keep track of progress. Take before-and-after decluttering pictures of different areas in your home. You’d probably keep this routine indefinitely if you prefer the “after” photos. 
  7. Ask friends for help. It can be hard to declutter your home, especially if you have a hoarding disorder. Ask your friends and family to help you with cleaning. You and your friends can go through items and clothes together to see what needs to be thrown out or donated. 

Decluttering can lead to a cleaner, safer, and more functional space

Equipping yourself with the physical and mental benefits of decluttering will lead to a cleaner, safer, and more functional space. Remember not to strive for perfection because every journey and home is different. Don’t be too hard on yourself when embarking on this road to a more clutter-free home. Enjoy the process and be proud of your progress—no matter how small.