Seven ways to save money on you and your family’s healthcare and wellbeing
Healthcare costs are putting a huge strain on the American family. Discover seven ways to save money on you and your family’s healthcare and wellbeing.
Even with lower-cost providers and more free clinics and government-funded initiatives, people are finding it harder to afford the level of coverage they and their families need today.
Here is a quick guide to seven simple ways anyone can reduce their expenditure on healthcare and wellbeing without seeing a reduction in coverage they receive, or its quality.
1) Find better value alternatives
It is important to remember that you have options when it comes to healthcare. If you are looking to save money on any aspect of care, you should always look for better value alternatives than those being offered by your healthcare provider.
There are many dental care options that may be cheaper and provide a higher level of care than your medical insurance plan offers. You can find out about braces cost in the US and more about pricing here with ALIGNERCO. They help people save money on dental care for adults and children, saving families hundreds of dollars a year.
2) Save money on prescriptions
People with chronic or long-term health issues can spend thousands of dollars a year on their prescriptions even with the help of health insurance and government programs. Anyone can make substantial savings on their medications, slash the costs of their healthcare, and maintain their wellbeing.
Pharmacy savings cards and schemes can help people who have regular prescriptions save a lot of money, as can asking your pharmacist for generic medication when it is available. Doctors do not always prescribe the cheaper brands of medication, and there may be alternatives that are significantly cheaper than their big-name counterparts.
3) Re-evaluate your health insurance plan
Health insurance plans can be complicated and difficult to understand, and this can make it hard to find the value in your plan.
Take a long hard look at your family’s health insurance and check what your copay costs are, as well as the size of your deductible. The hospitals and healthcare facilities that are in your provider’s network are also crucial factors. You may be able to find a better value plan elsewhere that gives you access to more healthcare facilities that are nearer to you.
4) Use free healthcare resources
Just because you have a healthcare plan for yourself and your family, it does not mean you cannot take advantage of free clinics and free preventative care initiatives. Many of these are operated by state and local governments, so your taxes have already contributed to them.
If you or a family member suffers from diabetes and needs regular insulin injections, this can be expensive very quickly. There are many free programs across the country that can help people save money on their insulin prescriptions, so look around to see if you can save.
5) Haggle for your healthcare
Many people do not realize that most healthcare costs are negotiable. Many hospitals have relief plans, discount deals, and waivers that can help families save money on healthcare. This may depend on your financial circumstances or employment status, but there may be savings available to anyone.
When you receive a hospital bill, call the billing department. They will know if there are any discounts available to you, or any fees that can be waived. Most people just accept the bill amount and start making their copayments, but if you haggle a little first you can save hundreds or thousands of dollars.
6) Avoid unnecessary costs
No one knows your financial circumstances better than you do. If you are honest with yourself and your healthcare providers about your financial limitations, they can work with you to avoid unnecessary costs and find better value alternatives.
Doctors at family practices and in hospitals will often be overcautious and may suggest tests or treatments that you may not need. Always get as much information as possible from your attending physician and try to decide if a costly test or prescription is necessary.
7) Use preventative healthcare
The best kind of healthcare, and the best value healthcare, is the type that prevents you from having to visit the doctor’s office or hospital in the first place.
By taking better care of ourselves, and of each other, we can reduce our medical bills and copayments dramatically. Eating better foods and making sure you exercise regularly can have a massive positive impact on your health. Even if you have mobility problems or existing medical conditions that prevent you from exercising, you can still improve your health and prevent further problems with a healthy diet.
Your family doctor and healthcare providers can help you do this too. Talk to your doctor about healthier eating and exercise, and work with them to develop a plan tailor-made for you that will help improve your overall health and quality of life.
Use a few of these tips to see an almost immediate reduction in the cost of your healthcare. A few of these simple ideas can even help you expand the level of healthcare coverage that you and your family enjoy.
Photo by Nathan Dumlao