Seven things you can do in 2020 to improve your overall wellbeing
Feel like you need a bit of cheering up after the battering 2020 has given us all? Here are seven things you can do to improve your overall wellbeing.
While we may aspire to feel great all of the time, the reality is that this just isn’t possible. As 2020 has taught us, life can derail us at any point and send tricky challenges our way – challenges that can test our mental and physical health.
To help you put some cheer into the rest of this year – whatever the world may throw at us – here are seven things you can do to help your wellbeing.
1) Exercise
Physical activity is known to have various benefits for your health. Not only does it help you stay fit, but it also boosts your energy, can increase self-esteem, reduce anxiety levels, and even improve sexual performance.
So it’s important that you find time in your daily routine to allow for some exercise, whether that is going to the gym or just going for a walk outside.
2) A healthy, balanced diet
It goes without saying that your diet has a significant impact on how you feel, both physically and mentally. So you should try to be mindful of what you eat, and focus on eating healthily.
This means lots of fruits and vegetables, healthy fats, and protein as well as carbohydrates. You can also take supplements – an article from suggests increasing your intake of specific vitamins.
Of course, the keyword here is ‘balanced’. Having a balanced diet does not mean that you can never eat your favorite cake or chocolate again. But just that you need to ensure that the bulk of your diet is healthy, with the odd treat in moderation.
3) Do a job you like
This is one of the most drastic changes that you may have to make for your wellbeing. Statistics show that most people don’t enjoy the jobs they do. And considering that the average person will spend eight hours of their day at work, you can see how detrimental this can be to their wellbeing.
Of course, we all need money to survive, and can’t simply quit a job that you don’t love without something new to go to. But if you do find yourself dreading work on a Sunday night, or don’t feel that your current job stretches or interests you, then take steps to make a change.
This might be as significant a change as pursuing an entirely new career, or as simple as finding a new job where you might be more appreciated and better utilised.
4) Make time for your loved ones
Spending time with people we love is essential for our wellbeing. It provides you with the space to forget about your worries and stresses, or even to get advice and support for them.
It can sometimes be difficult to make time for others when you all lead busy lives but do this, even if it is once a month. Go visit your family, go on a special date with your partner away from the kids, or spend an evening with your friends. Just make sure you arrange the time to spend with those who make you feel good.
5) Spend time alone
Spending time alone is crucial for your mental health. Not everyone enjoys being alone, and this doesn’t mean isolating yourself for long periods of time. But it is important to spend some time in quiet solitude.
When you always spend time with other people, you may start to neglect your needs. Being on your own allows you time to think and reflect on your life and just focus on your own wellbeing.
6) Travel
Right now it may be very difficult to travel. However, this does not stop you from planning a nice holiday in a desirable location – even if that location isn’t far away.
Going away is essential for your wellbeing, as people tend to become burnt out when they cannot take a break. Studies show that going on a relaxing holiday, where you are able to relax fully, can have a positive effect on your wellbeing, and can leave you feeling recharged and refreshed upon your return.
7) Seek therapy
When people hear the word ‘therapy’, they sometimes associate it with the word ‘crazy.’ But the stigma attached to mental health is thankfully subsiding. c
Every single human being is in a specific mental health situation, and most of us will suffer from mental health issues at some point in our lives. Our mental wellbeing is on a spectrum, and we can move up and down that spectrum depending on what is happening in our lives at any given time.
So if you have any worries, or unresolved childhood traumas that you need help with don’t be afraid to ask for help. Whatever is troubling you, talking it out with a professional will help to ease the burden.