Seven easy-to-follow tips to help you sleep better in a heatwave

It can be hard enough for many people to get to sleep, but a hot, sticky night can make insomnia even worse.

If you find yourself tossing and turning on warm evenings, Danielle Mason, Head of Product Development at Fine Bedding Company is here to help. The sleep expert shares her seven top pieces of advice to help you sleep better during a heatwave.

1) Invest in room-darkening shades in your bedroom to deflect heat

Dark colours in our bedrooms and blackout blinds help aid in sleep. The circadian rhythm is organised by light, which tells your brain when it’s time to wake up and when it’s time to sleep. That means in summer it can be detrimental to the quality of our sleep.

Investing in dark colours and blackout blinds contributes to a better sleeping environment by enabling a darker environment that deflects heat. Reducing stimulation that prevents you from falling or staying asleep. 

2) Use a pillow with smart temperature and cooling technology, engineered to stay cool

Progress in textiles innovation means that your bedding can now actually help you stay cool as the technology absorbs heat and releases it back when you need it.

HeiQ Cool is the world’s first textile technology to deliver both instant contact cooling and continuous evaporative cooling for optimal well-being all night long. It starts cool and stays cool!

3) Avoid getting too much sun during the day

If you’re out in the sun throughout the day like many of us are in hot weather, trying to sleep can be a challenge. Use cooling aloe on the skin at night before bed, even if you don’t have a sunburn; it can refresh the skin and cool it down.

4) Keep your hands and feet out of the duvet

Many of us associate our body losing heat typically from places like our heads. However, we also lose heat from our hands and feet. So letting hands and feet rest outside of the duvet can help regulate our body temperature more effectively for a better night’s sleep.

5) Avoid caffeine and spices

As much of an everyday staple as both caffeine and spices are, capsaicin (the active chemical in chillies) increases your body temperature. So, it’s probably best to skip spicy food or meals in the run-up to going to bed.

Research has additionally also shown caffeine to cause a rise in body temperature too, so it’s best to avoid caffeinated drinks after 6pm.

6) Avoid day-time naps

Research has found that napping during the day for over 30 minutes can prevent getting sleep in the evening. Many of us get drowsy during the day in hot weather. Our bodies use more energy to regulate our core temperature, resulting in tiredness.

So during the hotter months, it’s best to try and wait until the evening to fully rest so you get the highest quality of sleep.

7) Keep houseplants in your bedroom

House plants, such as snake plants and peace lilies, can help to infiltrate a stuffy room with moisture, and can assist to create a more breathable microclimate. Some indoor-friendly plants can even absorb toxins and particles, potentially making it easier to manage the heat.

Photo by Annie Spratt