Eight things you need to do if you want to be a great, transformational leader

There is no one-size-fits-all approach to being a transformational leader, as your style and methods will largely depend on the situation and people you are working with.

However, there are specific vital characteristics that all transformational leaders should strive to embody. In this article, we will explore eight things you need to do if you want to be a great, transformational leader, and how you can start embodying them yourself.

1) Understand your values and beliefs

The first step to becoming a great transformational leader is understanding and embracing your values and beliefs. It will enable you to become more self-aware and make decisions that align with your core priorities rather than being swayed by external factors or pressure from others.

2) Build strong relationships with those around you

To create the conditions needed for transformation, it is also essential for leaders to build strong relationships with the people they are working with. It may involve taking the time to understand their needs, goals and challenges and providing them with support and guidance when needed.

By doing this, leaders can foster an environment of trust and mutual respect, which will help encourage positive change within their organisations.

3) Communicate clearly and authentically

In addition to building solid relationships with those around them, leaders must also be able to communicate their vision clearly and authentically, especially to their team members. It means speaking honestly about their goals and expectations and being willing to listen to and act on the feedback they receive.

Through this, leaders can better engage their team members and understand their wants and needs, thus helping them facilitate a more understanding relationship.

4) Embrace change proactively

While many people may view change as something to fear or resist, transformational leaders embrace it proactively. They understand that change is often necessary for organisations and individuals to continue growing and thriving, so they constantly seek new ways to adapt and improve themselves.

Whether it involves learning new skills, expanding their network of contacts, or exploring different approaches to problem-solving, leaders who embrace change are better equipped to help their teams do the same.

5) Be able to articulate a clear vision for the future

In order to become effective transformational leaders, it is also vital that you can articulate a clear vision for the future. It involves being able to communicate your goals in a way that inspires others to want to achieve them as well, helping foster a strong sense of purpose within your team.

It may also involve sharing your vision with others outside your organisation or industry to create broader awareness around the changes you hope to bring about.

6) Encourage creativity and risk-taking among your team

To achieve meaningful and lasting transformation, it is also essential for leaders to encourage creativity and risk-taking among their team members. It may involve giving them the freedom to experiment with different ideas and approaches or providing them with opportunities to learn new skills and develop their expertise.

By supporting your team, you can help create a culture of innovation that will enable your organisation to keep pace with an ever-changing global landscape.

7) Lead by example – walk the talk 

To be an effective transformational leader, you must lead by example. It means being willing to “walk the talk” and not asking your team members to do anything you wouldn’t be willing to do yourself. Doing this can inspire those around you to follow in your footsteps and help drive meaningful change within your organisation.

8) Celebrate successes and learn from failures

To be an effective transformational leader, it is also important to celebrate successes and learn from failures. It involves being willing to acknowledge achievements when they occur and being open to considering the lessons learned from any setbacks or roadblocks that may arise along the way.

Doing this can help foster a sense of optimism within your team members and keep them moving forward even during the most difficult times.

Becoming a great transformational leader takes time, effort, and dedication. It requires building solid relationships with those around you, embracing change proactively through ongoing learning and growth, communicating a clear vision for the future authentically and engagingly, encouraging creativity and risk-taking among your team members, empowering others to make decisions and taking ownership of their work, in addition to celebrating successes while learning from failures.

If you are willing to put in the time and effort required to embody these qualities, your team members are more likely to become inspired and find it meaningful to work in your group or organisation.