Head health: How to reduce the likelihood of migraines

One of the potentially less serious health ailments many people suffer from is a migraine. While some people may think of it as nothing more than a headache, it can be absolutely debilitating.

As well as the headache itself, people can also experience nausea and vomiting, sweating, and even digestive issues for days on end. While medication exists to aid with these symptoms, you may also want to consider the ways you can minimize the chances of them occurring in the first place.

Wear sunglasses

Bright light can be a bad idea when you are susceptible to migraines. The glare can make it difficult for you to concentrate and read, putting undue pressure on your eyes. This doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy the nicer weather. Instead, you may want to think about looking for some prescription sunglasses online.

This way, you can still maximize your ability to see clearly, thanks to the addition of your own bespoke prescription within the lenses of the glasses, but also have that important polarizing effect that prevents too much light from entering your eyes. Alongside reducing the likelihood of migraines, this may also help to prevent UV rays from entering your eyes, which could lead to the onset of cataracts in the future.

Limit screen usage

Spending too much time in front of the computer, television, and even your smartphone could have an adverse reaction on your health. In particular, the light from these could contribute towards migraines developing.

Taking adequate breaks where no screens are involved can be a good first step towards minimizing your problems. You may also want to consider adjusting the way you sit and use your devices, adjusting light levels, particularly blue light, and even font sizes to make them as clear as possible without you needing to squint.

It can be easy to suggest simply not using them, however, this may not be possible in your line of work. Therefore, prioritizing breaks and as much time as possible without screens when appropriate can be rather helpful.

Drink more water

Some people may find that they get headaches when they haven’t had enough to drink. While a dehydration headache may differ somewhat from a full migraine, there is a chance that this could develop into one.

You may want to think about scheduling water breaks throughout your day, or even using a water bottle with time markings to ensure you are drinking a minimum of two liters each and every day. Although you may prefer other fluids, water may be the best liquid for keeping your body hydrated without adding any sugar or unnecessary chemicals.

Having a migraine can really affect you for a number of days. By adjusting some of the ways you behave, you may be able to reduce the number you have each year. Alongside this, it can also be a good idea to liaise with a medical professional and see what other changes you could make to have more of a positive impact.