Five signs it’s time to find a new job

Not loving your current job? Read on for five signs it could be time to resign and look for a new position.

Job dissatisfaction can negatively affect physical and mental health. This unhappiness typically grows over time and can be due to numerous factors, such as excessive stress, insufficient pay, a toxic workplace or a change in leadership.

Job dissatisfaction can show itself in many forms, and as the feelings grow, it becomes evident you need to start looking for something different. Here are five signs it’s time to resign and find a new job.

1) You dread going to work

The “Sunday scaries” are real. This phrase accounts for the dread many people feel before heading back to work on Monday morning. It’s not uncommon to want your weekend to continue indefinitely, but dreading Monday’s work while you should be enjoying your free time is a sign it might be time to find a new job. 

2) You don’t feel respected 

Employers and employees need to show mutual respect for a business to reach success. Employees must speak out when they feel disrespected.

It may be time to leave your current position if you’re not valued and your employer doesn’t treat you better once you confront the issue. Feeling disrespected at work can quickly lead to feelings of resentment. 

3) The company goals don’t align with yours 

You may have sought your current job because you believed in the company’s missions and goals. Unfortunately, businesses can change direction anytime, and those changes may not align with your values.

A company’s changing goals can lead you to reevaluate how you feel about working for it. This can be a sign it’s time to find a company you’re passionate about helping. 

4) You’re not advancing 

Promotions don’t happen every day, but that doesn’t mean you should feel stuck in your current position. If you’re a top performer at your job and your employer continues to offer promotions to others, it might be time to find a job with more opportunities for advancement. 

5) You dream of quitting 

It’s not abnormal to dream of a life without having to work. Even people who love their jobs may fantasize about quitting from time to time. Regularly daydreaming about quitting is different, and it may be a sign to start interviewing for something else.  

A survey by stated that one in four workers are planning to quit their jobs this year. Some of the signs mentioned above may sound familiar if you’re dissatisfied with your job. Pay attention to these signals, so you can start searching for a new job before you grow resentful or cause harm to your mental and physical health, and even lead to burnout.  

Goodwill Car Donations is a national organization that accepts vehicle donations. It is committed to providing disadvantaged individuals with job training, employment services and critical community-building support. 


This infographic was created by Goodwill Car Donations, donate your car to charity

Photo by M. Cooper