12 things your business needs if you want to make a profit
Starting a business is relatively easy. And around 80% of businesses will celebrate their second birthday. But how many are still making money after 10 years?
The brutal truth is that approximately 65% of business will fail before they reach a decade. And many of those businesses will close owing the director (and other people) money.
Struggling to make a business profitable is miserable, tough and lonely. And in many cases unnecessary. Because with the right guidance and structures in place, more businesses should be profitable.
And that’s what we want to help you with. Because we HAVE hit that magical 10 year mark, and are stronger and more successful than ever – and make a healthy profit.
That’s not to say the journey has always been easy. We’ve had a steep learning curve, invested in advice and support, and continually work at our business model.
But that experience has given us invaluable knowledge about what it takes to grow a business that will last the distance… and pay you a healthy income. And even one day be a business you can sell and retire from with a good profit.
12 things your business needs if you want to make a profit
To help you benefit from our experience we are holding the Ultimate Business Masterclass live at 1pm UK time on Thursday 23 March. In the class I, the founder of Talented Ladies Club, will share the 12 things I believe your business needs if you want to make a profit.
These are all things we have developed in Talented Ladies Club over the years. And for each point I share a story from inside the business, illustrating why this point is so important.
Here’s what the class will cover:
- Mission/goals
- Action steps
- Money
- Profitability
- Automation
- Mailing list
- Consistency
- Growth
- Customer service
- Guidance
- Innovation
- Experimentation
For each point you will also have simple actions to take so you can apply it in your own business, plus a PDF workbook to help you take action.
Get four important business tools that will help you make more money
As well as watching the class and completing the workbook, we wanted to give you more practical tools to enable you to transform the profitability of your business. And what better than the actual tools we use to run Talented Ladies Club?
Over the years we have developed several tools and exercises that enable us to run the business. And this includes the four that we give you as part of the Ultimate Business Masterclass:
- Our monthly financial tracking sheet automatically calculates your profit margin and how close you are to your financial goal.
- Our timesheet with profit calculator for each product/part of your business.
- Our time efficiency exercise shows you where you are wasting time and what to outsource/automate.
- Our income calculator shows you how much you need to put aside for tax and expenses, and how much to charge per hour.
Collectively, the class and these tools make up a mini-course with everything you need to get an oversight of your business as the business owner. It’s the perfect opportunity to work ON your business, as opposed to just IN it.
Get lifetime access to the class and all the resources
The Ultimate Business Masterclass is a one-off investment that will help you for years to come. Because not only will the insights you learn transform how you run your business, making it easier, more enjoyable and more financially rewarding, but you get lifetime access to the class plus all resources.
This includes the recording of the class, and an ebook of the script, making it quick and easy to refer back to the section and actions you need at any given time. It’s a bit like having a business coach on your shoulder.
Book now and get the early bird price
The masterclass will be available for purchase after the recording for the full price of £79 (including VAT). But if you buy before the live class you can secure the early bird price of £49 – a saving of £30.
For that price you get lifetime access to, in effect, a business coaching mini-course which includes:
- Access to the live class
- The recording of the class
- The class ebook
- The class workbook
- Four proprietary tools we use to run our business
Of course you can buy after the class, which takes place at 1pm UK on Thursday 23 March. But you won’t be able to secure the early bird offer then.
Even if you can’t watch the live class, we recommend buying now to benefit from the early bird price. This could be one of the best investments you make in your business, one that will repay you hundreds of times over in the years to come.
Book your early bird ticket to the Ultimate Business Masterclass now.