Top five tips for starting an online jewellery business

Love the idea of running your own online jewellery business? Here are five tips to help you get started.

If you’ve always had a passion for jewellery and entrepreneurial spirit, you could consider starting your own online shop. Showcase your creative talents and make some extra cash on the side. If you establish your brand online it could even end up becoming quite a lucrative business.

There are plenty of platforms you can use so it’s easy to set up an online shop. You can also exhibit your pieces at local fairs and markets. Here are the top five tips for starting an online jewellery business.

Invest in the right tools

It’s worth investing in the right tools for your jewelry store. This will help you to create higher quality pieces in a shorter time. Depending on what you want to make you could consider getting anything from pliers and cutters to Laser Engraving Machines. Do a bit of research and look for the best deals on tools. If you’re in need of more space you could also consider renting out a studio which may also come with useful tools and other resources.

Source the best materials

You need to source the best materials to make quality jewellery. This doesn’t mean you can’t get creative with your designs, however. You could even use recycled materials for unique pieces with an eco twist. The best thing to do is try networking with other jewellers who use similar materials to what you’re interested in. There are also plenty of online resources that can help you source materials. Check out this ultimate guide to jewellery making, for example.

Spend time developing an online presence

It’s worth investing your time developing an online presence. This means posting regularly on social media, optimising your website, and even spending money on a robust digital marketing campaign. You could outsource this to an agency to help you set up ads for your business and improve your local SEO. Alternatively, social media is a pretty cost-effective solution. It will take time to establish a large following, however, so the more marketing channels you use, the better.

Ensure everything’s legally above board

Opening an online store as an independent freelance designer is fairly straightforward. You’ll need to register your business online but this is easy to do. It’s also a good idea to keep a separate bank account for all business transactions in case of an audit. You can then simply make withdrawals to pay yourself. One important thing jewellers have to follow is the Hallmarking Act. This applies to all precious metals that you use.

Keep on learning

Once you’ve set up your jewellery business there’s no reason to stop there. Always keep on learning new techniques and study the latest jewellery trends. This way you’ll be able to hone your skills further and reach out to more customers.

If you have a passion for jewellery design, this could be very rewarding. You can also improve your reputation with customers by offering more bespoke designs. This will help you grow your business and develop a loyal following.

Photo by Brooke Cagle